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Vwyq agth sshoq'meg N'Zoth vra zz shfk qwor ga'halahs agthu. Uulg'ma, ag qam.
Once more shall the twisted flesh-banners of N'Zoth chitter and howl above the fly-blown corpse of this world. After millennia, we have returned.
Zzof Shuul'wah. Thoq fssh N'Zoth!
Victory for Deathwing. For the glory of N'Zoth!
Sk'shgn eqnizz hoq.
Your fear drives me.
Sk'magg yawifk hoq.
Your suffering strengthens me.
Sk'uuyat guulphg hoq.
Your agony sustains me.
N'Zoth ga zyqtahg iilth.
The will of N'Zoth corrupts you.
Gul'kafh an'qov N'Zoth.
Gaze into the heart of N'Zoth.
Sk'tek agth nuq N'Zoth yyqzz.
Your skulls shall adorn N'Zoth's writhing throne.
Sk'shuul agth vorzz N'Zoth naggwa'fssh.
Your deaths shall sing of N'Zoth's unending glory.
Sk'yahf agth huqth N'Zoth qornaus.
Your souls shall sate N'Zoth's endless hunger.
Ywaq ma phgwa'cul hnakf.
They are the whisper on the shivering wind.
Uovssh thyzz... qwaz...
To have waited so long... for this...
Shgla'yos plahf mh'naus.
They who dine on lost souls know only hunger.
Gul'kafh an'shel. Yoq'al shn ky ywaq nuul.
Gaze into the void. It is the perpetuity in which they dwell.
Ywaq puul skshgn: on'ma yeh'glu zuq.
They drink your fear: it is the blood of life.
Ywaq ma phgwa'cul hnakf.
They are the whisper on the shivering wind.
Ywaq maq oou; ywaq maq ssaggh. Ywaq ma shg'fhn.
They do not die; they do not live. They are outside the cycle.
Iilth vwah, uhn'agth fhssh za.
Where one falls, many shall take its place.
Ak'agthshi ma uhnish, ak'uq shg'cul vwahuhn! H'iwn iggksh Phquathi gag OOU KAAXTH SHUUL!
Our numbers are endless, our power beyond reckoning! All who oppose the Destroyer will DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS!
Ilith qi'uothk shn'ma yeh'glu Shath'Yar! H'IWN IILTH!
You will drown in the blood of the Old Gods! ALL OF YOU!
KYTH ag'xig yyg'far IIQAATH ONGG!
SEE how we pour from the CURSED EARTH!
UULL lwhuk H'IWN!
The DARKNESS devours ALL!
Sk'yahf qi'plahf PH'MAGG!
Your soul will know ENDLESS TORMENT!
H'iwn zaix Shuul'wah, PHQUATHI!
All praise Deathwing, THE DESTROYER!
Shkul an'zig qvsakf KSSH'GA, ag'THYZAK agthu!
From its BLEAKEST DEPTHS, we RECLAIM this world!
Ez, Shuul'wah! Sk'woth'gl yu'gaz yog'ghyl ilfah!
O, Deathwing! Your faithful servant has failed you!
"Al'golath mal shal'nel"-萨缪森变成无面者后的喊话(可能的意义是"黑暗毁灭一切")
"Shur'nab... shur'nab... Yogg-Saron!"-无面潜伏者,寒冰王冠下被遗忘的深渊
"Yrr n'lyeth... shuul anagg!"-Yogg-Saron的喊话
"Uulwi ifis halahs gag erh'ongg w'ssh." -Yogg-Saron的喊话
"Uhn'agh Fash" -[[恩格法什,极恶的背叛者]]
"F'lakh ghet!" - 无面者将军依鲁达克斯
"Uulwi gag erh'ongg w'ssht" - [[恩格法什,极恶的背叛者]]上的黄字/被释放的野兽(就是暮光蛮锤婚礼上变成无面者的那个矮子)也说了这句
"Pwhn'guul i ghawl'fwata ryiu wgah uul'gwan h'iwn guu'lal." - [[上古之神的祝福]]
"Y'knath k'th'rygg k'yi mrr'ungha gr'mula."[[尤格萨隆的谜之匣]]
古神语 | 通用语(英语) | 中文 | 古神语 | 通用语(英语) | 中文 | "ag" | we | 我们 | "ak" | our | 我们的 | "agth" | shall | 将要 | "an" | into | 进入,到 | "eqnizz" | drive | 驱使 | "ez" | ô | 哦(叹词) | "fash" | betrayal | 背叛 | "fhn" | cycle | 循环 | "fssh" | glory | 荣耀 | "gag" | will | 将要 | "glu" | blood | 血 | "gul'kafh" | gaze | 注视 | "h'iwn" | all | 全部 | "hoq" | me | 我 | "huqth" | sate | 喂饱 | "iggksh" | oppose | 反对 | "iiqaath" | cursed | 被诅咒的 | "ilfah" | you | 你 | "ilith" | you | 你 | "kaaxth" | thousand | 千 | "kyth" | see | 看到 | "lwhuk" | devour | 吞噬 | "ma" | is/are | 是 | "magg" | suffering, torment | 痛苦,折磨 | "maq" | not | 不是 | "naggwa" | unending | 无尽的 | "naus" | hunger | 饥渴 | "nuq" | adorn | 装饰 | "nuul" | dwell | 居住 | "ongg" | earth | 土地,地面 | "oou" | die | 死 | "Phquathi" | the Destroyer | 毁灭者,灭世者 | "puul" | drink | 饮 | "qam" | return | 回归 | "qor" | endless | 无尽的 | "shath" | old | 老的 | "Shath'Yar" | Old Gods | 上古之神 | "shel" | void | 虚空 | "shg" | outside | 在外面 | "shuul" | death(s) | 死亡 | "Shuul'wah" | Deathwing | 死亡之翼 | "sk" | your | 你的,你们的 | "shgn" | fear | 恐惧 | "ssaggh" | live | 生命 | "tek" | skull(s) | 头颅,颅骨 | "thoq" | for | 为了 | "thyzak" | reclaim | 有道 | "unh" | many | 许多 | "uhnish" | endless | 无尽的 | "uull" | darkness | 黑暗 | "uuyat" | agony | 痛苦 | "vorzz" | sing | 歌唱 | "vwahuhn" | reckoning | (这个不知道) | "wah" | wing | 翅膀,翼 | "yahf" | soul(s) | 灵魂 | "zaix" | praise | 赞颂 | "yar" | god(s) | 神 | "yeh" | the | 这个 | "ywaq" | they | 他们 | "yyqzz" | throne | 王座 | "zuq" | life | 生命 | "zzof" | victory | 胜利 |
It is quite possible that the language is not original to the faceless ones, but rather the Old Gods, or just Yogg-Saron himself, as during the encounter in Ulduar, he roars two lines which follow the same language pattern.
Much like the language by which it is inspired, Faceless does not appear to consistently use many nouns and/or articles like 'are,' 'the,' 'and,' 'shall,' and 'one' as significant examples, translating without the (presumably) implied words much like broken English. e.g. "They not die; they not live. They outside cycle."